Challenge Publications

Method Description Paper

As stated in the challenge rules, participants must submit a method description along with their submission on the final test set. This should be 2 pages (excluding references) and in IEEE format [link to Overleaf template]. The paper should highlight the main steps taken to arrive at the method used on the final test set. In particular, the following should be described:

  • Data preprocessing and augmentation
  • Method description
  • Post Processing
  • Results

Each method description paper should be uploaded to a preprint server such as ArXiv, so that the paper can be easily linked to the final leaderboard. More information on this can be found in the submission instructions. 

IEEE ISBI Conference Sub-Proceedings

We will invite a selection of participants to extend their method description and write a 4 page paper that will be sent for review and potentially published as part of the ISBI conference sub-proceedings (subject to successful review).  This will appear separate to the main ISBI conference proceedings. Participants will be invited based on the quality of the method description papers. Note, these papers will be subject to the same review process as the main ISBI 2022 conference and therefore papers must be uploaded to the cmt portal and be of sufficient quality to be accepted.

Participants must be registered to the workshop to be considered for the ISBI sub-proceedings. More information on this can be found here.

Post Challenge Publication

After the challenge has finished, we will write a journal paper that performs a full analysis of the results and highlights the key findings. More information on this will be provided on conclusion of the challenge.

Important Dates

  • 28th Feb: Deadline for 2 page method description (sent to and then linked on leaderboard during final submission)
  • 8th March: Notification of invitation for 4 page technical paper submission
  • 20th March: Deadline for submission of 4 page paper